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Application Details for Graduate Studies
Thammasat Business School, Thammasat University

Guidelines for Application

1.    Applicants must complete all required details truthfully and verify their eligibility according to the admissions announcement. Applications will only be considered complete after payment of the application fee within the specified time frame and via the designated channels.  Applications are deemed valid only when all steps have been successfully completed.

       If the applicant fails to meet these conditions, their application will be considered invalid.  If the university later finds that an applicant does not meet the qualifications specified in the admission announcement, the applicant will be disqualified from the process from the start. The program reserves the right NOT TO REFUND the application fee under any circumstances. Additionally, the application process cannot be postponed or transferred to another applicant.

2.    In case of any issues with payment via credit card, please contact the staff at 095-709-8747 immediately before attempting another transaction.

3.    Applicants should check their payment status at www.gradreg.tbs.tu.ac.th within 3 business days after successfully paying the application fee.
       For inquiries about the application process or payment status, contact smart@tbs.tu.ac.th or call 095-709-8747 during official working hours (Monday–Friday, 8:30 – 16:30).

4.    Applicants must submit all required application documents to the program they wish to apply for by the specified deadlines as detailed below.


Master of Business Administration Program in Global Business Management (International Program) - (GEMBA)

For more details, please visit: https://bit.ly/4fi3982

Master of Science Program in Finance (International Program) - (MIF)

For more details, please visit: https://bit.ly/4gBieCB

Doctor of Philosophy Program in Business Administration (International Program) – (Ph.D.)

For more details, please visit: https://bit.ly/4ge3s4R


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2 Prachan Rd., Pranakorn, Bangkok 10200, Thailand. Tel.(66-2)613-2263, (66-2) 623-5718 Fax.(66-2) 623-5719, E-mail:grad@tbs.tu.ac.th